Computer vision syndrome, also referred to as digital eye strain, describes a group of eye- and vision-related problems that result from prolonged computer, tablet, e-reader and cell phone use. Many individuals experience eye discomfort and vision problems when viewing digital screens for extended periods.



Computer Vision Syndrome - Symptoms, Causes and its Prevention



Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) is a condition that affects people who use computers or other digital devices for extended periods of time. CVS is a common problem, affecting up to 90% of people who use computers regularly. However, there are a number of things you can do to combat CVS and reduce your symptoms. It is caused by the strain that is put on the eyes when they focus on a screen for long periods of time. CVS can cause a variety of symptoms, including:

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  • ·         Dry eyes
  • ·         Blurred vision
  • ·         Headaches
  • ·         Fatigue
  • ·         Difficulty concentrating
  • ·         Back pain
  • ·         Eye fatigue
  • ·         Neck pain
  • ·         Shoulder pain


Causes of Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)


Causes of Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)

There are a number of factors that can contribute to CVS, including:


Eye focusing

When you look at a computer screen, your eyes have to constantly focus and refocus. This can be tiring for your eye muscles.


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Glare from the screen or from overhead lights can make it difficult to see the screen clearly. This can also contribute to eye strain.


Viewing distance

If you sit too close to the screen or too far away, you will have to strain your eyes to see it.


Focusing on a screen for long periods of time

When you focus on a computer screen, your eyes have to work harder than they do when you focus on objects in the distance. This can lead to eye strain and fatigue.


Blinking less often

People blink less often when they are using computers, which can cause dry eyes.


Poor lighting

Glare from the screen or inadequate lighting can also cause CVS symptoms.


Poor posture

If you are not sitting in a comfortable position, you may put strain on your neck and shoulders. This can also contribute to headaches and eye strain.


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Environmental factors

Dry air, dust, and smoke can irritate the eyes and make CVS symptoms worse.


Symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)

Symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)

The most common symptoms of CVS are dry eyes, blurred vision, and headaches. Other symptoms may include:


·         Neck and shoulder pain

·         Fatigue

·         Difficulty concentrating

·         Double vision

·         Sensitivity to light

·         Redness and irritation of the eyes


How to combat Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)?

How to combat Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)?

There are a number of things you can do to combat CVS, including:


Take Breaks: It is important to take breaks from the screen every 20-30 minutes to rest your eyes. During these breaks, look away from the screen and focus on something distant. You can also get up and move around to stretch your neck and shoulders.


Adjust Your Viewing Distance: Sit about 20-26 inches away from the screen. The screen should be slightly below eye level, so you can look down slightly at it.


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Reduce Glare: Use a screen filter to reduce glare from the screen. You can also adjust the lighting in your room to reduce glare.


Improve Your Posture: Sit up straight with your feet flat on the floor. Your shoulders should be relaxed and your elbows should be bent at a 90-degree angle.


Use Artificial Tears: Artificial tears can help to lubricate your eyes and relieve dryness.


Adjust your Screen Settings: Increase the brightness and contrast of the screen to make it easier to see. You can also increase the font size of text.


Other tips for preventing Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)

Here are some other tips for preventing CVS:


Make sure you are getting enough sleep: When you are tired, your eyes are more likely to strain.


Eat a healthy diet: Eating a healthy diet can help to improve your overall eye health. Be sure to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, which are good sources of vitamins and minerals that are important for eye health.


Exercise regularly: Exercise can help to improve your overall health and well-being, including your eye health.


See an eye doctor regularly: Your eye doctor can check your vision and eye health for any problems that may contribute to CVS.


Here are some ways to combat computer vision syndrome:

·         Use proper lighting

·         Follow the 20-20-20 rule

·         Use the right equipment

·         Adjust your settings

·         Take frequent breaks

·         Reduce your screen time

·         Use lubricating drops

·         Treat allergies, if you have them

·         Create a more humid work environment

·         Drink more fluids

·         Rest your eyes for 15 minutes after using the computer for 2 hours

·         Blink often to refresh your eyes

·         Use a document holder


Treatment for Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)

If you have CVS, there are a number of things your eye doctor can do to help, including:


Prescribe glasses or contact lenses: If you have an uncorrected vision problem, such as nearsightedness or farsightedness, your eye doctor may prescribe glasses or contact lenses to correct it. This can help to reduce eye strain and improve your symptoms.


Recommend artificial tears or other eye drops: Artificial tears or other eye drops can help to lubricate your eyes and relieve dryness.


Suggest lifestyle changes: Your eye doctor may also suggest lifestyle changes to help prevent CVS, such as taking breaks from the screen, adjusting your viewing distance, and improving your posture.



CVS is a common condition that affects many people who use computers and other digital devices for extended periods of time. There are a number of things you can do to combat CVS, including taking breaks from the screen, adjusting your viewing distance, and improving your posture. You can also use artificial tears to lubricate your eyes and relieve dryness. If you have CVS, your eye doctor can also help you with treatment options.



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